30 Mopsa Way, Coolbellup
(next to Pineview Community Kindy)
Tuesday 9:30am - 11:30am
Wednesday 9:30am - 11:30am
Saturday 11:30am - 1:30pm

9 Lombe Gardens, Atwell
(inside Atwell Community Centre)
Saturday 9:30am - 11:30am
Members can manage their membership and loans online through the SeTLS member online portal.
Members will be provided a login and password upon joining the toy library. If you have lost or forgotten your login details, please email ctl.toylibrary@gmail.com
The Cockburn Toy Library is a volunteer run incorporated association. We are always looking for new members to join our committee. For more information, head over to the committee page.
The annual membership fees are as follows:
Annual Membership (active) $80
Annual Membership (inactive) $170
6 month Membership (active) $50
6 month Membership (inactive) $100
Ask us about Low Income Healthcare Card discounts.
Failure to renew membership and pay fees within 30 days of due date will result in cancellation of membership.
Please notify the committee in writing if you no longer wish to be a member.
Please note that membership is non-transferable.
As we are a member-run organisation, members are encouraged to assist by volunteering during open sessions a few times a year. For more information about volunteering, head over to the volunteers page. This does not apply to inactive memberships.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM is held annually to nominate a new toy library committee, which is essential for the operation of the toy library. All members are required to attend the AGM. The date will be advertised in advance to enable interested members in attending.
All members are expected to participate in a fundraising activity during the year. Money raised throughout the year is spent solely on the running of the toy library including such expenses as hall hire, insurance, toy maintenance and toy replacement.
Important Notes
The Committee has the right to suspend membership if members are found to be abusing their membership privileges or not participating adequately at the Toy Library.
Every effort has been made to ensure that toys are safe, but it is to be noted that by signing your membership application you take sole responsibility for any accidents which may occur resulting in injury arising from use or misuse of the toys.